Looking for a Concierge Doctor near you?
Doctor Doctor is now accepting new patients in La Jolla, Del Mar, Solana Beach, Rancho Santa Fe, Encinitas, and Carlsbad. Join our concierge healthcare membership plans to receive exclusive access to all of our concierge medical services, or pay per service and book online!
Our list of concierge medical services ranges from ‘executive physicals,’ annual exams, or covid tests, to aesthetic services, such as botox, derma peel, and much more. Each of our services is available without a membership plan and can be booked online here.
Concierge Health Memberships:
Doctor Doctor provides annual concierge healthcare memberships for you and your family. Benefit from access to physicians, nurses, nutritionists, as well as exclusive programs and discounts on additional services.
Begin a couples membership today for an extra $95 off annual pricing.